oman wow!
lol that was hilarious!!!! :):):):):)
oman wow!
lol that was hilarious!!!! :):):):):)
thats a neat back ground tho, crumpled paper lol :)
this tuff is so stupid!!!
you guys must have some kind of organizion where you have a bunch of people vote high for. >:( You guys raelly dont have much talent. I bet if you took each one apart and made them seprate they would be blammed cuz theyr so stupid!!! I just cant believe how you guys get to put on such stupid stuff!!! THey should all be removed. >:( but i did like the niga dog and hitler dying :) lol
No, we raelly dont have much talent and we have an organizion that votes high on us everyday.
cool :)
i think the music was a good choice, thats whats gonna protect it :)
that was great!
it was really funny! lol :)
lol om an that was funny! lol! :):):):)
how did you do that???? you must be rally good with cameras or something!
thats really funny!
:) lol
i like cake and pie! what should i dooooooooooo!?!?!?! o_0 :)
you should JOIN THE PIE REBELION! fight the war against cake! you even get to eat cake since it defiles the cake-eaters beleifs that it should only be eaten for holy reasons.
I am a programmer beep boop
Joined on 9/22/04